
What NOT to do in Direct Mail Creative

Double window envelopes - the kind that have a window in the upper left corner for the sender's information to show through, plus a window below it for the recipient's information - are pretty generic. They can be blank (just stock paper with no teaser copy printed on the envelope) and used by any sender and sent to anyone, so long as the sender's logo and recipient's addressing information are positioned to show through the windows properly. So this envelope says to me "generic."

And the teaser copy "This is not junk mail" says doodly-squat. In fact, that's a generic teaser. Could be used by any company. This is not junk mail? Yes, it is.

Worse yet, CLEAR - the company that mailed this gem of a direct mail package - is a wireless internet service that's trying to make a name for itself, and this isn't the way to do it in direct mail. So my message to them is: "My dear CLEAR, you can gain a stronger foothold in the marketplace with a clearer message on your envelopes about what you have to offer, rather than hyping what you're not. I mean, you're not the unVerizon or the unComcast, are you?"

Let this be one small lesson to direct marketers in "What NOT to do in Direct Mail Creative."

Until next time ...

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

CLEAR is testing this envelope and I recently received the same mailing without the "This is NOT junk mail" envelope teaser copy. In fact, the test kit has no copy on the envelope.

Here's how to tell which kit does the best in the marketplace - when CLEAR resends this effort to the list I'm on, I'll get either the "This is NOT junk mail" package OR the mailing with no copy on the envelope.

To be continued...

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