
Fewer Mail Days Mean ... What For Direct Marketers?

If you're a direct marketer, by now you've probably already heard the news ... that the postal service may cut a day and deliver mail only five days a week, not six. (If not, you can read more about it on Washington Post.com.) Turns out by cutting a day back in mail delivery times, the government may be able to save a whopping $3.5 million a year. Good way to make up all that bailout money! (Interesting factoid from washingtonpost.com: In 1912, the post office switched from delivering mail seven days a week to six, after pressure from Christian groups to eliminate Sunday delivery.) I'm thinking this will mean more leeway with mail drop-dates and when we have to get stuff to the printer's - IF we can get Sunday and Monday off, it'll be like have a long holiday weekend between the rush to release art files. You?

1 comment:

Sabina said...

Somehow I missed this news. I like the idea of such a simple thing saving $3.5 million a year!! I will check out the article. Thanks for the link.

Thanks also for the link to "Love Food Hate Waste". I've poured over the entire site!! Great find!!

Have a wonderful day Cindy!!

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